Friday, October 7, 2011

Prune Hill

Maryann of Prune Hill has arrived in the shop's front room, and it's definitely cozy, all we need is a fireplace with a crackling fire to complete the ambience. Here's some pictures to whet your appetite!
First off, here's a wide view...

Now let's get up close and personal...

Lots and lots of goodies! Wonderfully primitive, warm colors welcoming fall!
Next month, Maryann has a Colonial Christmas look planned, can't wait to see that!!
Transitioning from summer to fall can be hard, but I hope you're enjoying the wonders of the season..
the beautiful fall colors.
the falling leaves.
warm cider.
pumpkin bread.
cuddling under soft blankets.
candles lighting your homes.
And for you locals, don't forget those Burgerville Pumpkin FAVORITE!!!
For now,
Lisa ;-)


Farm Girl said...

I would go crazy!!! I just need that stuff. I would maybe have to go live in a shed if I lived by you. :) But it would be a cute shed. Just lovely things. And it looks so much fun. I hope you have a really nice weekend.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh what great looking items!! I agree looks like so much fun!!

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